Meet the Musicians

Michelle Munroe is an emerging Guelph-based singer/songwriter and proud support of Up and Running. She began her music career with Hillside Festival’s Girls & Guitars Program (2019, 2022 & 2024) which has helped her find her voice, and write and perform her first songs.  Five years later, she tenaciously continues to develop her craft as a songwriter and performer and is currently working towards her first single and EP project. Michelle has been described as an ‘arresting performer’ with a classic alt-country sound.  She is excited to be joined by guitarist Steven Aboud, a friend met through open mic experiences with the former Royal City Studios.  Steven was a founder member of the RCS house band and is currently working on a multi-guitar instrumental recording.

Performance Time: 1:10 - 2:00

Morgan Lee is a 15-year old Guelph musician who started playing bass and guitar over 2 years ago. In 2023, Morgan was selected as a finalist for Owen Sound’s Summerfolk Festival Youth Discovery Program as a soloist and performed at the Hillside Festival with JamSchool’s Youth Showcase with her two bands. Morgan is joined by her band, Gauge 42, formed through JamSchool. Morgan, Jeremy, Paddy, and Riley, all high-school students from Guelph, have been playing a wide range of rock music together for the past 2 years. Most notably, they performed at the 2023 Hillside Festival, and have played many shows across Guelph, including sets at the Multicultural Festival and Royal Electric.

Performance Time: 2:10 - 3:00

Ragin’ Sue Bio coming soon!!

Performance Time: 3:10 - 4:00

Broadband is a rock band that started 5 years ago through Guelph’s JAMSchool and has been through several iterations of membership. The current band has been playing rock covers together since October 2022. Lead vocalist, NAOMI, has powerhouse pipes that allow all their 80s hair-band dreams to come true. CAITLIN shreds on electric guitar while LEANNE strums away on acoustic guitar. VANESSA, on the keyboard, adds a variety of synth sounds, with JENN O and JENNIFER carrying the rhythm on bass and drums, respectively.

Performance Time: 4:10 - 5:00